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COVID-19 Violation Response Dashboard

Reporting Violations of COVID-19-Related Misconduct

  • Submit reports to UC Santa Barbara through the campus reporting form.
  • For an immediate response to an in-progress situation, please first call the Isla Vista Foot Patrol at 805-681-4179, then report to UCSB using the link above.


Violation Report Response Statistics (as of April 22, 2021)

Note: There have been very few reports of repeat offenses after residences, individuals, and/or organizations have received a warning.


Letters delivered directly to residences reported for alleged violations


Individual contacts made with students identified in reports – no repeat reports after University contact


Referrals of individuals and organizations to the Office of Student Conduct due to egregious and/or repeat offenses


Registered Campus Organizations have received University sanctions including warning, social probation, loss of recruitment, and/or COVID-19 education

How UC Santa Barbara Responds to Reports of COVID-19-Related Misconduct

Due to student privacy laws, it is not possible to respond to each report with information about specific outcomes. However, we follow up with the residence and/or the named students for every report we receive. The following procedures have been in place since the report form was launched in August 2020:

For reports that include only an address and no identifying information about responsible students...

A joint letter of concern from UCSB and Santa Barbara City College is delivered directly to the door of the residence. Following this action, there have been few repeat reports.

For reports that include an address and identifying information about responsible students...

A joint letter of concern is delivered to the residence and individual outreach is made to the named students by the Dean of Students Office. Some students have also been referred for a university conduct process if there is sufficient evidence of their involvement in the incident. Again, there have been very few repeat reports.

For reports that include public areas such as streets, parks, or beaches...

Reports are forwarded to the County and the Isla Vista Foot Patrol.

For repeated reports about a specific address...

The university takes multiple steps. If residents can be identified as UCSB students, they are contacted and if there is enough evidence, they are sent through our student conduct process; additionally, the university works with the County and the property manager to determine if lease violations have occurred and the property manager determines if eviction is appropriate. If the residents are identified as students at another college or university, then their institution is notified.

For reports about a registered campus organization, including fraternities and sororities...

Where there is enough evidence of a violation, are referred to the Registered Campus Organization Conduct Board for investigation and sanctions are assigned if the organization is found responsible. In the case of fraternities and sororities, the university also works with national headquarters, as well as advisors and chapter presidents. If a report about a registered campus organization also mentions individual students, the university will also contact those students separately as described above.


For More Information

Please contact the Dean of Students Office at