Counseling & Psychological Services

UCSB Distressed Student Response:

Follow the chart to determine who to contact when faced with a disruptive or stressed student.

Is there danger to self or others?

YES, or student needs immediate attention

Call 911

After speaking with police: Call Student Mental Health Coordination Services
(805) 893-3030

No or not sure but I am concerned

Call Student Mental Health Coordination Services at:
(805) 893-3030
Campus Social Work Services
(805) 893-3087

UCSB After-Hours Phone Counseling
(805) 893-4411
weekends, evenings and holidays

No, but student is having academic or personal issues

Refer student to an appropriate campus resource See back panel for options. For a complete list visit the Distressed Student Guide


What about Privacy?

The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) permits the following:

UC faculty and staff may disclose personal identifiable information from an educational record to appropriate individuals in connection with a health and safety emergency. Observations of a student’s conduct or statements made by a student are not educational records or FERPA protected. Such information should be shared with University personnel when there is a specific need-to-know. All concerning behavior should be shared with Student Mental Health Coordination Services. If knowledge of student information is necessary to protect the health and safety of the student or other individuals, University Administration and Student Mental Health Coordination Services will assess the need to release information to parents, police, or others and take appropriate action. Your role is simply to report all concerning behavior.