Textbooks and Supplies
If you’re having cash flow issues and you’re unable to pay for books related to your coursework, consider these options:
- Use materials on reserve at Davidson library, which can be borrowed for two hours at a time. Because not all course materials are placed on reserve, you might approach your professors early in the quarter to explain your situation and request that they make them available there. You could also ask your professors to suggest other options (for example, there may be online versions or your professors might have older editions on hand that they would be willing to spare).
- Check out materials from the A.S. Book Bank, a student-run service that provides textbooks and readers for students to borrow for extended periods at no cost. The Book Bank is located on campus in the Annex building across the bike path from Storke Tower. To learn more about the Book Bank including book donation opportunities and hours of operation, visit http://sirrc.as.ucsb.edu/book-bank or call (805) 893-5422.
- Split costs and share books with friends or roommates, if you’re taking the same classes.
- Buy used books from the UCSB Bookstore or other retailers.
- Comparison shop online. In addition to searching sites like Amazon.com and Half.com, which sell both new and used books, you can use popular sites like Slugbooks.com, where UC and Cal State students can look up their courses, compare vendor prices, and order online. Some students also recommend Chegg.com, Textbooks.com, Craigslist.org, the Marketplace on Facebook, and Amazon Prime (which is free for students and offers free two-day shipping on many items). You can also compare online vendors and restrict your searches by price range by using Google Product Search. If you’ve had ongoing issues in this area due to insufficient income, you should also visit the “Money Management Basics” and “If You’re Struggling Financially” sections of this guide.
AS/EOP Emergency Grants – Textbooks/Supplies
These are available to UCSB Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) students currently receiving need-based financial aid who have exhausted other resources. Grants are issued as reimbursement funding for course-related expenses over the amount ($476) allocated per quarter for textbook purchases by the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships. Turnaround time: Usually 1-2 weeks. The deadline for submissions is every Thursday at 2 p.m. for review for the following week. Required documentation: A written statement describing the circumstances and the amount requested, to be addressed to the EOP director; original receipts for items that are being covered; a textbook form (from the EOP counselor); a syllabus or class list; photo ID. How to apply: Schedule an appointment to meet with an EOP counselor to discuss eligibility and details by calling (805) 893-4758. You do not need to have all of your documentation ready at the time of the appointment.
PWA Legacy-Barbara S. Uehling Book Grant for Re-Entry/Non-Traditional Students
The UCSB Professional Women’s Association offers a limited number of $200 grants to re-entry/non-traditional students each year. Applications are due winter quarter, and awards are distributed before the following quarter. Please note: past award recipients are not eligible to re-apply. For more information, email presidents@pwa.ucsb.edu.