Higher Education Opportunity Act (HEOA) And Other Required Notifications
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA)
The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008 (HEOA) requires that postsecondary institutions participating in federal student aid programs make certain disclosures to students. The following information is disclosed to you as a student at the University of California, Santa Barbara, in compliance with federal law and other law. For additional information, including requesting a paper copy of any materials, please call the appropriate office or visit the indicated websites.
Academic Programs and Accreditations
Information concerning UCSB’s faculty, educational programs, and course descriptions is available from the General Catalog, which also describes instructional, laboratory, and other physical facilities that relate to academic programs. Information about the comprehensive and periodic evaluation of academic departments, programs, and interdisciplinary groups is available at https://programreview.ucsb.edu.
The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor (http://evc.ucsb.edu) provides information related to institutional/program accreditation (https://accreditation.ucsb.edu).
The Office of Admissions provides information on transferring courses and credits to UCSB (https://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/2023-06/GuidetoCourseTransferability_F24.pdf), including University-approved articulation (http://www.assist.org/web-assist/welcome.html) and consortium agreements (https://admissions.sa.ucsb.edu/apply/transfer/tag).
Policies and procedures related to academic governance may be accessed at the website of the Academic Senate.
Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, Campus Security Policies, Crime Statistics, and Crime Log
In accordance with the “Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act” (Clery Act), UCSB publishes an Annual Security & Fire Safety Report (ASFSR) to provide information regarding campus safety and security policies, crime statistics, fire safety information for on-campus student housing, and resources to current and prospective students and employees.
This report includes statistics for the previous three years concerning crimes reported to Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus UCSB-affiliated properties, and on public property adjacent to and accessible from campus. The report also includes fire statistics for on-campus student housing facilities, and campus policies concerning crime prevention, crime reporting, fire safety, alcohol and drug use, sexual and interpersonal violence, student discipline, and other matters. To access the Annual Security & Fire Safety Report, visit https://www.police.ucsb.edu/asfsr. A hard copy of this report may also be requested by contacting the UCSB Police Department at (805) 893-3446 or 574 Public Safety Bldg., Santa Barbara, CA 93106 during business hours.
The UCSB Police Department’s (UCPD) Daily Crime Log provides details about crimes that have been reported to UCPD or a Campus Security Authority (CSA). Crimes are entered within two business days of being reported to UCPD. The Daily Crime Log can be found at https://www.police.ucsb.edu/daily-crime-logs.
Campus safety is a collaborative effort that involves the entire community. The University encourages victims, witnesses, and community members who are made aware of crimes to report all incidents to the UCSB Police Department at (805) 893-3446. To learn more about the Clery Act, please visithttps://www.police.ucsb.edu/clery-act.
Pursuant to the Campus Sex Crimes Prevention Act, UCSB’s statement advising the campus community about registered sex offenders is published in the ASFSR, available at https://www.police.ucsb.edu/asfsr. Information about registered sex offenders can be found atwww.meganslaw.ca.gov.
Copyright Information
UCOP Electronic Communications Policy
UCSB Electronic Communications Policy Implementing Guidelines
Copyright and Related Regulatory Compliance Resources, including civil and criminal penalties, institutional policies and sanctions
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Information
Digital Millennium Copyright Act Summary from the U.S. Copyright Office (PDF)
Responsible Computer Use in UCSB’s Residence Halls
Library Computer Use Policy
Cost of Attendance
Information concerning the cost of attending UCSB is available at https://www.finaid.ucsb.edu/CostofAttendance.aspx. These costs consist of tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, and any additional costs for a program in which the student is enrolled or expresses an interest.
Emergency Response and Evacuation Procedures
UC Santa Barbara takes a proactive approach to emergency preparedness, conducting emergency response exercises each year, including tabletop exercises, field exercises, and quarterly tests of UC Santa Barbara emergency communication systems. The Emergency Management & Continuity website contains extensive information related to campus safety, emergency response, and evacuation procedures. Emergency procedures are outlined in the UC Santa Barbara Emergency Information Flip Chart.
In the event of a large-scale emergency, urgent crisis, or other dangerous situation on the UC Santa Barbara campus, various communication methods can be used to deliver emergency messages to the campus community, gather information, and direct emergency responders.
The UCSB Alert system is used to send Emergency Notifications and Timely Warnings to all students and employees using their UC Santa Barbara email address. Emergency Notifications are also sent via text message to all students, staff, and faculty who have opted-in to receive such text messages. Members of the UC Santa Barbara community are encouraged to take responsibility for regularly checking and updating their notification information in the UCSB Alert System at https://alert.ucsb.edu.
The main campus website www.ucsb.edu can be used to quickly provide information and updates during a critical incident on the UC Santa Barbara campus. UC Santa Barbara also has a toll-free telephone number (1-888-488- UCSB/8272), hosted out of state, that contains recorded emergency information as needed. During an emergency event, UC Santa Barbara may provide timely information on the campus radio station 91.9 FM (KCSB), available online at https://www.kcsb.org/listen/. Additional methods of emergency communication include campus e-mail distribution lists for all staff, faculty, and students, outdoor warning speakers, and digital signs posted in visible locations around campus.
Financial Aid
The website for UCSB’s Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships includes information about the following: need-based and non-need-based federal, state, local, private, and institutional financial assistance programs available to students; eligibility requirements and procedures for applying for aid; criteria for selecting recipients and determining amount of award; methods and frequency of disbursements of aid; financial aid terms and conditions, including terms applicable to employment provided as part of a financial aid package; rights and responsibilities of students receiving Title IV, HEA loans; the availability of financial aid for study abroad programs; how financial aid is handled when students withdraw; and whom to contact for questions regarding financial aid.
Federal notices concerning the terms and conditions of federal student loans, entrance and exit counseling information, drug violation penalties, and the code of conduct for financial aid professionals and advisory disclosure are available at the following sites:
Graduation and Retention Rates (Student Right-to-Know-Act)
Data concerning retention rates and the graduation of degree-seeking full-time undergraduate students at UCSB is available from the Office of Institutional Research, Planning & Assessment (http://bap.ucsb.edu/institutional.research/retention.and.graduation.rates/).
Health Insurance
All registered students are required to maintain health insurance as a non-academic condition of enrollment. Details are available on the Student Health Service website.
Intercollegiate Athletic Program Participation Rates and Financial Support Data (Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act)
In compliance with the Equity in Athletics Disclosure Act, information on men’s and women’s athletic programs at UCSB is available by a making a public records request to pra@ehs.ucsb.edu. The report includes the number of participants by gender for each team, operating and recruiting expenses, coaches’ salaries, revenues, and athletically related student aid. A copy of the report is available online on the U.S. Department of Education Office of Postsecondary Education Equity In Athletics Disclosure website.
If additional contact information is needed you can find it at https://www.policy.ucsb.edu/information-stewardship/information-practices
Missing Student Notification Procedures
Notification procedures to be followed when a student residing in on-campus housing has been reported missing for more than 24 hours are available at https://www.policy.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/docs/policies/missing-student.pdf
Placement of Graduates
The latest alumni survey data, found under “Student Survey Results,” provide post-graduation outcomes of UCSB baccalaureate degree recipients, including the types of graduate and professional education programs in which graduates enrolled. The "Undergraduate Alumni" reports are prepared using biennial survey data obtained from students one year after receiving a baccalaureate degree, offering a snapshot of their progress during the transition out of college. The "Long-Term Undergraduate Alumni" report is prepared using information obtained from a periodic survey of students 5-10 years after receiving a baccalaureate degree, providing a longer-term view of the impact of a UCSB degree on employment and continuing education outcomes.
Privacy of Student Records (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act or FERPA)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that gives students the right to review their educational records, to request amendment of their records, to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information, and to file complaints with the U.S. Department of Education. Additional information regarding student rights under FERPA is available at https://www.policy.ucsb.edu/sites/default/files/docs/policies/student-ed-records-disclosure.pdf and under “Student Records Privacy” at https://registrar.sa.ucsb.edu. This information includes UCSB procedures for reviewing and requesting the amendment of educational records, notice of the types of information UCSB has designated as directory information, and information about students’ right to opt out of directory information. If you have questions about your rights under FERPA, please contact the Office of the Registrar at Registration@sa.ucsb.edu.
Refund Policy, Requirements for Withdrawal, and Return of Title IV, HEA Financial Aid
Information regarding the requirements and procedures for students seeking to withdraw officially, including the policy on refunds, is available at https://registrar.sa.ucsb.edu/withdraw.aspx.
Requirements for return of Title IV, HEA grant or loan aid are available at http://www.finaid.ucsb.edu/Withdrawing.aspx.
Services for Students with Disabilities
The Disabled Students Program (DSP) provides disability-related information and referrals; conducts needs assessments; facilitates reasonable accommodations; and provides disability-related technical assistance, auxiliary aids/services, and advocacy. Visit the DSP website for additional information on services and resources available to students with disabilities.
Student Body Diversity
Information about student body diversity, including the number of full-time students by gender and race/ethnicity, is provided from the Office of Institutional Research in both the UCSB Information Center Enrollment Dashboard and the UCSB Portrait.
Substance Use Policy
In compliance with The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Act, UCSB provides annual notification to all students of the UCSB Substance Use Policy. The policy provides information about alcohol and other drug health risks, standards of conduct, legal sanctions and campus disciplinary sanction related to unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol, as well as substance use counseling, prevention, education and recovery resources. Additional information specifically related to the UCSB Alcohol and Drug Program can be found at https://adp.sa.ucsb.edu.
Textbook Information/Required Course Materials
Detailed lists of required course materials are available to students in GOLD and through the course descriptions on https://my.sa.ucsb.edu/public/curriculum/coursesearch.aspx.
University of California Complaint Process
The University of California takes very seriously complaints and concerns regarding the institution. If your complaint is not resolved at the campus level, you may present it as outlined in the following link: https://www.ucop.edu/ethics-compliance-audit-services/compliance/hipaa/uc-complaint-process.html.
Vaccination Policies
UCSB policies regarding vaccinations are available on the Student Health Service website.
Voter Registration
Information on voting in local, state, and federal elections, including how to obtain a copy of the California voter registration application form, may be accessed athttps://www.sa.ucsb.edu/voter-registration. UCSB students can register online at https://castudentvote.org/ if they live in California and at https://studentvote.org/ if they live out of state. Other California voters may now register online athttp://RegisterToVote.ca.gov/student/ with a California driver license or identification card number.