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Sexual Assault, Dating/Domestic Violence, & Stalking


Sexual assault, stalking, and dating/domestic violence are never planned for in anyone’s college career, yet they are a reality on all college campuses. The CARE office (Campus Advocacy, Resources & Education) provides confidential advocacy and support to students, staff, and faculty impacted by sexual assault, dating/domestic violence and stalking. CARE also works collaboratively with students, faculty and staff to educate the campus community about the vital role that each of us has in ending interpersonal violence at UCSB.

CARE offers state certified advocates to help survivors of interpersonal violence navigate their options, provides them with support, connects them with resources on-campus or within the community, and serve as a trusted point of contact throughout the whole process. After experiencing a traumatic event like a sexual assault, incident of intimate partner violence, or stalking, a survivor might not know what their options are. Confidential advocacy meetings with CARE allow the survivor to seek emotional, academic, housing, medical, reporting, and/or financial support and guidance.

CARE advocates are available to students impacted by interpersonal violence, and their friends and families by dialing the CARE Advocacy Line at 805-893-4613. CARE is located on the second floor of the Student Resource Building in Suite 2145. For more information on CARE programs and services, call (805) 893-4613 or visit

Standing Together to End Sexual Assault Santa Barbara (STESA) advocates offer confidential support, medical and legal information, counseling and self-defense. They are available to meet in person or speak with students by phone 24 hours a day at (805) 564-3696.