Academic Advising, Colleges & Departments
Academic Advising
Academic advisors in the three colleges (College of Creative Studies , College of Engineering , and College of Letters and Science) help students select courses and make decisions related to their major. Advisors and other resources enhance students' academic experiences while helping students to complete their degrees in a timely manner.
In addition to advisors in the colleges, UCSB also offers professional and peer advising in departments. Departmental advising provides a wealth of information and guidance to students regarding major and course selection, degree completion, internships and jobs.
Colleges & Departments
UC Santa Barbara has three colleges offering undergraduate majors and degrees. The College of Letters and Science is UCSB's largest college with over ninety majors and twenty minors. The College of Engineering offers chemical, computer, electrical, and mechanical engineering, and computer science degrees. The College of Creative Studies is the only program of its kind in the UC system offering independent and advanced coursework programs in art, biology, chemistry and biochemistry, computing, writing & literature, mathematics, music composition and physics.
Graduate programs are available in the College of Letters and Science and College of Engineering, as well as in the Donald Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, and the Gevirtz Graduate School of Education.
For more information on degrees and major requirements, please visit the colleges' Web sites. Additionally, an alphabetical listing of all UCSB majors and minors and their requirements is available online.