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Alcohol & Drugs


Alcohol has been a part of college and university life since the first colleges were founded and remains to this day the drug most abused by college students. At UCSB, the most current National College Health Assessment 2017 indicates that over 26% of the UCSB student population chose not to drink in previous 30 days and that number has continued to rise each year. Of the students who consume alcohol, half drink in moderation and about half have reported binge drinking. This means some UCSB students engage in high risk drinking, which can increase the risk of legal, physical, personal and/or academic consequences.

UCSB’s substance abuse policies and campus regulations prohibit the use of illegal substances and the abuse of legal substances that impair academic activities, job performance, or student life. Campus police and the Isla Vista Foot Patrol strictly enforce local and county alcohol and drug laws. Violations, including possession of alcohol as a minor, furnishing alcohol to a minor, public consumption of alcohol, and disturbing the peace may result in stiff fines, driver’s license suspension, or arrest and booking into jail.


New Student Requirement- Part 1: Online Education Modules

As part of UCSB’s comprehensive approach to education and prevention, all new undergraduate freshmen and transfer students are required to complete online education courses. These courses include sections on alcohol, drugs, and interpersonal violence and were developed specifically for college students, providing personalized health information, interactive tools, and coping strategies that are up-to-date and scientifically accurate. The topics covered in the course affect the entire campus and will help students make safer and more responsible choices for themselves and the community.

The only information reported to UCSB will be name, student ID, start and completion dates, and certificate status, indicating a passing score of 80% or higher in each section. All other responses are confidential.

New Student Requirement- Part 2: Gaucho FYI session

Gaucho FYI, Part 2 of the First Year Requirement, is also mandatory for all new undergraduate freshmen and transfer students, and requires students to complete a workshop within the first four weeks of fall quarter. 

Failure to complete this requirement may result in a block being put on a student's winter registration.

Details about the New Student Requirement, including how to sign up for a Gaucho FYI session, will be sent to the student's the university email account in late August or early September.

UCSB Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP)

Students with alcohol and drug use problems can receive many free services from the Student Health Service Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP), including confidential counseling, individual and group support, alcohol and substance abuse education courses, internet tools, referrals, and private consultations. Additionally, CASE: College Alcohol and Substance Education, is a five-session course providing early intervention for college students needing to reduce their drinking and make safer choices. The CASE program is required for students who violate alcohol and drug policies in the residence halls. For more information about the SHS Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP), please call (805) 893-5013.