Stay Informed & Parent Involvement
Providing encouragement and support and maintaining open communication are the best ways to be involved during your student's time at UCSB. In addition, you might want to visit campus, attend events, or consider donating to a UCSB Student Affairs program of particular interest to you. There are many ways parents can learn more about UCSB and make a difference in their student's campus and college experience.
Supporting Your Student
As your student attends college, you are undoubtedly concerned about how to best provide support and help your student to be successful and to have a great college experience, both academically and socially. It is often quite difficult for parents during their student's transition from dependence to independence. Each student and family will have a unique experience with this adjustment.
While enrolled at UCSB, students are expected to be fully responsible for their academics, finances, physical and mental health, and more. Additionally, they are held accountable for their actions and decisions. Parents can support their students through open communication and encouragement. It is important for parents to show care and concern and to be involved in their student's life while at the same time allowing the student to independently make decisions and focus on new responsibilities.