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Campus Policies & Procedures


Detailed information on policies applying to UCSB students can be found on the policies website maintained by UCSB’s Student Affairs Division at


Campus Regulations applying to campus activities, organizations, and students address the rights and responsibilities of members of the university and provide campus-wide standards of conduct. UCSB students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner compatible with the university’s function as an educational institution. Students and registered campus organizations are subject to university discipline for conduct that interferes with university teaching, research, or administrative activities, and for conduct that adversely affects either themselves or other members of the academic community. Students are expected to comply with all local, state, and federal laws.


The complete text of Campus Regulations can be found at The website contains information on academic and non-academic student conduct, campus organizations, campus activities, university facilities, student government, student elections, disciplinary bodies and procedures, violations and sanctions, student rights, and student grievance procedures.Some campus regulations also apply to UCSB students anywhere they commit the following offenses: sexual assault, sexual harassment, stalking, dating/domestic violence, hazing, violence, threats of violence, and conduct that threatens the health or safety of any persons (including arson).


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) allows only students to access their educational records, and limits the ability of others to access those records, except as authorized by law.When a student reaches 18 years of age or enrolls in a post-secondary institution (even as a minor), the student’s records are protected under federal law from disclosure to ANY third party (including parents) without prior written authorization from the student.Within FERPA regulations, the words “may” and “must” are used, permitting or requiring an institution to perform a particular act in order to be in compliance with federal regulations.

Each campus of the University of California functions as its own separate institution. Where institutional choice is allowed under FERPA, information provided in this section summarizes the policies adopted by the Santa Barbara campus. These policies may differ from those adopted by other UC campuses, but remain within federal guidelines.Access to financial, fee, advising, and academic records are managed by separate offices and may maintain different release policies. At minimum, the student is required to provide a dated and signed written consent before information from the student’s record is disclosed to a third party. 

The written consent must: 

  • Be dated and signed by the student 
  • Specify the educational records that may be disclosed 
  • State the purpose of the disclosure
  • Identify the party or class of parties to whom the disclosure may be made\

Complete information regarding the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is available at the U.S. Department of Education website. Parents are also encouraged to take the FERPA quiz.



At UC Santa Barbara, fraternity & sorority life has established risk management policies which reflect national, regional, and university requirements. They are designed to minimize the risk and liabilities of participating in activities sponsored by these organizations and to provide a safe environment for students. These policies require that chapters comply with local/state/federal laws and national and university policies regarding alcohol, and outlines the use of third-party vendors to enhance compliance. Additionally, UCSB has a zero tolerance hazing policy. No chapter shall encourage, conduct, or condone hazing. Violations of risk management policies are referred to the Registered Campus Organizations Conduct Board for adjudication. 

Call the office at (805) 893-4569 or contact Student Engagement & Leadership (SEAL) for more information.


Students are expected to abide by the university policies on alcohol and other drugs. For university-owned residence halls, each resident is responsible for reviewing and abiding by the policies and regulations stated in the online Residence Hall Handbook that can be found on the housing website ( All alcohol and drug violations will be reviewed and sanctioned according to the seriousness of the violation. Sanctions range from requiring a resident to be evaluated and to attend an educational course offered through the UCSB Alcohol and Drug Program, up to contract cancellation and/or loss of student status. Disciplinary actions are outlined in the UCSB Campus Regulations that are found on the Student Affairs website at


Sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, stalking, and sexual harassment are prohibited by UCSB policies and state laws. UC Santa Barbara maintains local procedures for complying with the UC Policy on Sexual Violence and Sexual Harassment. The UCSB local procedures, a list of complainant and respondent rights and options, as well as a list of on- and off-campus resources for anyone affected by sexual violence or sexual harassment, are available here.

The CARE: Advocate Office for Sexual and Gender Based Violence and Sexual Misconduct program works with the campus conduct and criminal justice systems by providing crisis intervention and support for survivors, family, significant others and friends of survivors. 

In addition to advocacy services, CARE provides an extensive resource library, educational programming, and supervises two campus student organizations dedicated to activism and community education focused on social change and perpetrator responsibility. CARE is a department within Student Affairs and is located on the second floor of the Student Resource Building. CARE advocates are available to answer questions by calling the direct advocacy line at (805) 893-4613. For more information about CARE programs and services, visit the UCSB CARE website or call (805) 893-3778.



All campuses within the University of California system are smoke-free and tobacco-free. Smoking, the use of smokeless tobacco products, e-cigarettes, and unregulated products are not allowed on UC-owned or leased properties. This includes residence halls, University-owned apartments, and the outdoor areas around the campus.


The fundamental purpose of the UCSB community is a dedication to excellence in teaching, research, and public service. Alcohol and other drug abuse and the resulting consequences can have a significantly negative impact on campus life. UCSB strives to create an environment where choosing not to drink is as socially acceptable as choosing to drink for those who are of legal age. Unlawful drinking, excessive drinking, drunkenness, and illegal drug use are not condoned at UCSB. Intoxication or being under the influence of drugs is not an excuse for misconduct or infringing upon the rights of others.

To promote an environment of academic excellence and to comply with the requirements of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug Free Workplace Act, academic and staff employees and students:  

  • Shall not use illegal substances and shall not abuse legal substances in a manner that impairs scholarly activities, job performance, or student life.  
  • Shall not use illegal or legal substances in a manner that violates applicable criminal or civil laws in the workplace, on university premises, at university activities, or while conducting university business
  • Are prohibited from the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of alcohol and/or a controlled substance in the workplace, on university premises, at university activities, or while conducting university business.

Students found responsible for violating the UCSB Substance Abuse Policy or the Campus Regulations Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students are subject to disciplinary sanctions, which may include loss of privileges and exclusion from activities, warning, suspension, or dismissal. In addition to or in lieu of a corrective action, a student may also be required to participate in an approved counseling or treatment program. 

UC Santa Barbara also offers the Alcohol and Drug Program through Student Health Service and includes cessation, educational, and counseling services.