Parents are often concerned about students working part-time jobs while attending college, especially during the first year. Students and parents should remember that attending UCSB resembles having a full-time job. Between the amount of time spent in class, hours outside of class spent studying, doing projects and other assignments, students spend forty hours or more per week on academic-related activities. Ultimately, the decision to work or not depends on each student's individual circumstances.
Working a few hours each week can be a very rewarding experience for students. National studies have found that students who work a reasonable number of hours each week earn grades as good as or better than non-working students. Additionally, part-time employment is a wonderful way to meet other students and learn time management skills.
Career Services manages Handshake, an on-line listing of available part-time, full-time, and internship positions for students. Most on-campus employers allow students flexibility in their schedules so that working will not conflict with class times, coursework, or examinations.
The Work-Study Program allows students who have demonstrated financial need to acquire on-campus jobs as part of their financial aid package. The Financial Aid Office determines if a student is eligible for the Work-Study Program.